Tutorial 1 - How to create a gallery with Drupal
To create the photogallery of this website I used Drupal. Here it is what I did.
My purpose was to have a drupal-node for each element (photo), a fully featured gallery without using on of the out-of-the-box gallery modules (I didn't like media_gallery and node_gallery).
- Photos are nodes, not fields: you can use all Drupal potential dealing with them :-)
- You are free to use any standard “views” or views-submodule to display your gallery*.
- Images files are stored in Date/Album folders.
- Photos-nodes are referenced to their album automatically and since the upload.
- Bulk upload function.
- Bulk edit photo Captions (or tags or whatever you want).
- Bulk reorder items function.
- Publish/Unpublish an album in one click.
- Select manually which photo has to be the album-cover.
- Child albums inside parent albums.
- No theming/styling: everything is done via modules set-up, you don't need to edit any code.
*In this tutorial I'm showing how to use Views Galleriffic, but it is just an exemple.
Please note: these tutorials are intended for people with at least a fair knowledge of Drupal. You are expected to know how to install and activate modules, how to deal with the basic settings of Drupal, Views and Ctools' Page Manager.
Tutorial 1 – Basic settings
In this tutorial we start from a brand new Drupal installation. We are going to create the content types, the Image styles and a few of other basic settings.
Modules you'll need: | Dependencies: |
Tutorials' menu
1 - Basic settings 2 - Administration menu and bulk upload 3 - Reorder Items |
4 - Bulk edit captions 5 - Display the Album 6 - Album Index and nested albums |