Our films, our video-adventures, our video-tutorials... and more!
All our Films and Videos
Aquaeductus Anienis
This Story is told in Italian only :-(February 2018
Gallerie Etrusche di Formello
This Story is told in Italian only :-(December 2017
La Necropoli preistorica nel Vallone Tempesta a Nemi
This Story is told in Italian only :-(November 2017
Il Santuario segreto di Cerere
This Story is told in Italian only :-(November 2017
Il Manuale del Ramingo
(In Italian only) Videotutorials about organising multi-days trekkings. Tips, tricks and our own experience.March 2011
Lux Alibi
(English subtitles) Two years of production (from January 2004), 18 locations, more than 40 friends involved in the project. Lux Alibi is a fantasy film shot in the mountains and castles around Rome.December 2005
The legend of Aran
(English subtitles) In a faraway land, the wizard Cohegen is looking for the Entar's Pendat, that is guarded by a pacific tribe of bee-keepers... :-)June 2008
Trekking at Cape Tribulation, Australia
Queensland, Australia. 3 days in the jungle, out of any trail. The video is in Italian, but almost with no dialogues, so it is enjoyable in English too.August 2004
Selvaggi Blu
This Story is told in Italian only :-(May 2004
A Gallery of Nodes with Drupal
Some video-tutorial (in English) to learn how I've made this photo-gallery using Drupal. A Gallery in which Albums are nodes and photos are nodes too.June 2013