John Muir Trail, part 2 - Mountains, lakes... and squirrels




August, 2007

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2007-08-22_18-50-11_[Matteo] The top of Devil's Postpile reminds an ancient Roman road. - - Cover 2007-08-23_10-46-18_[Matteo] Day 19 - these mysterious and stingy fruits are sweet and delicious (but not easy to deal with). - - Cover 2007-08-23_11-29-25_[Matteo] Nice tarns - - Cover 2007-08-23_14-02-52_[Matteo] And beautiful lakes. - - Cover
2007-08-23_14-36-44_[Matteo] This is Shadow Lake, with some glaciers in the background... - - Cover 2007-08-23_14-39-13_[Matteo] ... But the water is not cold: perfect for a swim! - - Cover 2007-08-23_17-47-04_[Matteo] At night we camp close to this lake, this place is quite Lord of the Rings style, isn't it? - - Cover 2007-08-24_07-22-53_[Matteo] Day 20 - we meet again Jo: she went out of the John Muir to resupply, and now is back here walking 30 km per day! Have a look at the mussels on her legs! - - Cover
2007-08-24_07-23-17_[Matteo] She says hello and leave walking much faster than us. - - Cover 2007-08-24_07-58-20_[Matteo] Again the Lord of the Rings lake, from a different point of view. - - Cover 2007-08-24_08-04-02_[Matteo]_Pano ... And from one more different pint of view. Yes, I really like it - - Cover 2007-08-24_10-38-50_[Matteo] Along the trail... - - Cover
2007-08-24_16-08-13_[Matteo] On this pass Franco wanted a photo beside the sign "Welcome to Yosemite", but it seams that someone has stolen the sign. He then uses the Sardinia flag. - - Cover 2007-08-24_17-52-54_[Matteo] Eating roasted pumpkin seeds. In Italy we call them "bruscolini", I love it! - - Cover 2007-08-25_09-33-29_[Matteo] Franco on day 21 - - Cover 2007-08-25_14-24-49_[Matteo] Family - - Cover
2007-08-26_07-50-33_[Matteo] Day 22 - close to the end of hour journey. Cloudily weather for the first time since we have started. - - Cover 2007-08-26_07-51-42_[Matteo] Our camp. We didn't use the tent, but set it up, just in case. - - Cover 2007-08-26_10-34-11_[Matteo] Stick-squirrel - - Cover 2007-08-26_19-44-38_[Matteo] At sunset we leave the camp to reach the Half Dome, the symbol of Yosemite. The plan is to climb it under the moonshine. - - Cover
2007-08-26_19-52-46_[Matteo] You cannot imagine that the top is 400 metres higher, can you? - - Cover 2007-08-26_20-47-28_[Matteo]_Pano This photo looks pretty artificial, but is not: no editing but stitching. The strange light effect is because of the twilight and moonlight from opposite direction. - - Cover 2007-08-26_20-49-42_[Matteo] One of the photo of the previous panorama. - - Cover 2007-08-27_09-41-24_[Matteo] Day 23 - last day of trekking, and finally I manage to take a picture of this squirrel: the nicest one, but the most difficult to get. - - Cover



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