Mount Owen from different points of view




February, 2013

Image Manager

2013-02-06_11-11-40_Matteo M. and S.: I said to Sylvia: "I'm taking a picture, do something!" - - Cover M. and S.: Matteo e Conillo C.: Me, teaching free climbing to Matteo - - Cover 2013-02-06_11-49-46_Matteo M. and S.: Stone crevasse - - Cover M. and S.: Sylwia e Conillo. C.: Me, teaching free climbing to Sylwia. - - Cover
M. and S.: Once there was a little dragon made of concrete here on top of Mount Owen. It was a pretty dragon, but it's not here any more: someone must have stolen it. C.: Matteo said that there was a Dragon on top of mount Owen, I tried to follow the tracks... but no result: it must have felt my presence and escaped! - - Cover Ciao ciao - - Cover



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