Lux Alibi 13 - Nefeg's Castle




October, 2004

Image Manager

Preparing for the main battle: we are 12 people, but will be more after some special effects ;-) Tripods make life much easier when you have to deal with special effects! - - Cover Frame from the film: 11 people become 17... and more will come. - - Cover Frame from the battle. - - Cover Frame from the battle. - - Cover
Frame from the battle. - - Cover People come and people go... Finally the perfidious sorcerer Nefeg arrives at his castle. - - Cover Someone bring some pastries, slurp! - - Cover Nefeg steals the pastries and run to the upper floor: perfidious! :-) - - Cover
Davide and the cream pastry. In Italian we say "beccato col sorcio in bocca": literary "caught with the mouse in the mouth" :-) - - Cover Just a last look to the storyboard... - - Cover ...And let's film Nefeg getting back from the prison-dream. - - Cover Frame from the film: Nefeg breaks the spell and gets out from the prison-dream. - - Cover
Nefeg in battle! - - Cover Week-end filming means always a lot of luggage. - - Cover Sorcerer's rest. - - Cover Last battle scene. - - Cover
Someone wake up Mihai: we need the perfidious sorcerer for the next scene! - - Cover For the last scene we need the dusk. We have to be ready: the light will be good for no more than 20 minutes. - - Cover We are filming again on top of the tower. The dialogue between Nefeg... - - Cover ...and Nefelia. In the film this dialogue happens the evening before all the scenes we have been filming this two days. - - Cover
THE EVIL! - - Cover Well, it was a really intense and restless week-end! - - Cover Let's go home! - - Cover Ciao Piediluco Castle! Next Story: Nefelia's Tower - - Cover



  • Pubblicato_IT
  • Published_EN