Flaminia's Adventures
Il Vallone dell'Inferno vicino a Trisulti
This Story is told in Italian only :-(March 2011
Compleanno sui Sibillini
This Story is told in Italian only :-(October 2008
Zacinto a pagaiate!
This Story is told in Italian only :-(July 2008
The legend of Aran
(English subtitles) In a faraway land, the wizard Cohegen is looking for the Entar's Pendat, that is guarded by a pacific tribe of bee-keepers... :-)June 2008
La leggenda di Aran (o Ashera)
This Story is told in Italian only :-(June 2008
La città abbandonata di Monterano
This Story is told in Italian only :-(November 2007
La Festa dei Boschi
This Story is told in Italian only :-(September 2007
Supramonte come mufloni
This Story is told in Italian only :-(May 2007 -
Festa di Macaco fra Todi e Fosso Campione
This Story is told in Italian only :-(March 2007
I tuffatori di Riancoli
This Story is told in Italian only :-(March 2007
Eremiti della domenica
This Story is told in Italian only :-(July 2006
Rio Canalone (Rio Secco)
This Story is told in Italian only :-(April 2006
Fosso Campione
This Story is told in Italian only :-(March 2006
Fosso Valloppio
This Story is told in Italian only :-(January 2006
Roma - La Spezia, via Lucca
This Story is told in Italian only :-(January 2006
Lux Alibi
(English subtitles) Two years of production (from January 2004), 18 locations, more than 40 friends involved in the project. Lux Alibi is a fantasy film shot in the mountains and castles around Rome.December 2005
Canyon La Villa
This Story is told in Italian only :-(October 2005
Corsica 2005
This Story is told in Italian only :-(July 2005
Monti della Maiella 2005
This Story is told in Italian only :-(June 2005
Lux Alibi 13 - Nefeg's Castle
Two days at Piediluco Castle, many scenes to film: one of the most intense week-end of Lux Alibi.October 2004