Film / Video

  • Aquaeductus Anienis

    This Story is told in Italian only :-(
    Film - Video February 2018
  • Gallerie Etrusche di Formello

    This Story is told in Italian only :-(
    Film - Video December 2017
  • La Necropoli preistorica nel Vallone Tempesta a Nemi

    This Story is told in Italian only :-(
    Film - Video November 2017
  • Tutorial 1 - How to create a gallery with Drupal

    To create the photogallery of this website I used Drupal. Here it is what I did. My purpose was to have a drupal-node for each element (photo), but I didn't like the out-of-the-box gallery modules that you can get with Drupal.
    Film - Video November 2017
  • Il Santuario segreto di Cerere

    This Story is told in Italian only :-(
    Film - Video November 2017
  • A Gallery of Nodes with Drupal

    Some video-tutorial (in English) to learn how I've made this photo-gallery using Drupal. A Gallery in which Albums are nodes and photos are nodes too.
    Film - Video June 2013
  • Il Manuale del Ramingo

    (In Italian only) Videotutorials about organising multi-days trekkings. Tips, tricks and our own experience.
    Film - Video March 2011
  • The legend of Aran

    (English subtitles) In a faraway land, the wizard Cohegen is looking for the Entar's Pendat, that is guarded by a pacific tribe of bee-keepers... :-)
    Film - Video June 2008
  • Lux Alibi

    (English subtitles) Two years of production (from January 2004), 18 locations, more than 40 friends involved in the project. Lux Alibi is a fantasy film shot in the mountains and castles around Rome.
    Film - Video December 2005
  • Trekking at Cape Tribulation, Australia

    Queensland, Australia. 3 days in the jungle, out of any trail. The video is in Italian, but almost with no dialogues, so it is enjoyable in English too.
    Film - Video August 2004
  • Selvaggi Blu

    This Story is told in Italian only :-(
    Film - Video May 2004
  • Lux Alibi 1

    Watch the Film, Part 1
    Film - Video
  • Tutorial 6 - Index and nested albums

    In this tutorial we create the index page of our Galley. This page will show title, summary and the cover photo of every album. Then we are going to see how to create nested albums.
    Film - Video
  • Tutorial 3 - Reorder Items

    In this tutorial we are creating the “reorder items” function: this will allow us to decide in which order the photos will be shown on our album.
    Film - Video
  • 06 - La sera intorno al fuoco.

    (In Italian only) Giovanna D'Arco e Giordano Bruno, un'eroina ed un un filosofo accomunati da un "Gio" iniziale e da una fine "calorosa". Scopriamo come non emulare le loro gesta conclusive!
    Film - Video
  • 03 - Mangiare: che cibo portare, come cucinare

    This Story is told in Italian only :-(
    Film - Video
  • Lux Alibi 2

    Watch the Film, Part 2
    Film - Video
  • Tutorial 4 - Bulk edit captions

    In this tutorial we are creating the “bulk edit captions” function: in this example we are bulk editing the photo descriptions, but it could be used to bulk edit any field of the photo-node: tags, locations, taxonomies etc.
    Film - Video
  • 07 - Camminare, scarpe, ghette e robe di piedi

    (In Italian only) Non vi preoccuperete più delle vesciche quando le suole inizieranno a staccarsi dalle scarpe. Come rilassare i piedi trascinandosi sui gomiti. Tutto quello che Meggaiver può fare con un paio di lacci da scarpe.
    Film - Video
  • 04 - Lo zaino: sceglierlo, regolarlo, caricarlo.

    This Story is told in Italian only :-(
    Film - Video
  • 01 - Dalla Passeggiata al Trekking

    (In Italian only) Dalla passeggiata al trekking... si semplificano le cose. Ovvero come affrontare l'ignoto forti di solida incoscienza ed insensato pensiero positivo privo di qualunque fondamento.
    Film - Video
  • Lux Alibi 3

    Watch the Film, Part 3
    Film - Video
  • Tutorial 5 - Display the Album

    In this tutorial we are finally showing the gallery! In this example I'm using Views Galleriffic, but this is just my taste: what we have done in the previous tutorial let you completely free to choose how display an album :-)
    Film - Video
  • 08 - Il Gruppo: organizzazione, armonia, responsabilità

    (In Italian only) Rendete i vostri trekking più interessanti scatenando simpatiche faide fra i partecipanti! Come riempire di sassi lo zaino dei tuoi amici e altri trucchi per creare il giusto spirito di gruppo.
    Film - Video
