Viaggio - Trip
On top of San Pantaleo Peaks
Last days in Sardinia, we move from limestone to granite... with many crests to climb on top!September 2017
Unexpected Sardinia
We were expected to be a lot of people this summer in Sardinia, but we are just a few... And, while normal people go to the beaches, we do more unexpected things! :-)September 2017
Tavolara Island and Donini Cave
Scott arrives we continue the adventures together. Here it is the Tavolara Island climb up and the Donini Cave.September 2017
Bacu S'Orruargiu e Badde Pentumas
"Cengia" (rock ledge) is the keyword of these two days: from Istrada Longa to the dizzying via-ferrata of Badde Pentumas.September 2017
After so many adventure in the Wilderness, I spent a few days in the New Zealand capital.January 2013
Frullato di Zorring
This Story is told in Italian only :-(August 2012
Ultimi giorni in Nuova Zelanda
This Story is told in Italian only :-(March 2012
5 - Rockburn e la Zorroteca di Castle Hill
This Story is told in Italian only :-(January 2012
Chi Zelanda a Capodanno...
This Story is told in Italian only :-(December 2011
Le prime 2 settimane in Zelandia
This Story is told in Italian only :-(October 2011
Avventura in Nuova Zelanda
This Story is told in Italian only :-(January 2011
Cape Reinga, trekking fra le dune
This Story is told in Italian only :-(January 2011
Fricchettoni al Giglio
This Story is told in Italian only :-(June 2010
Per chiudere in bellezza
This Story is told in Italian only :-(May 2010
Vie Ferrate e Castelli medievali
This Story is told in Italian only :-(May 2010
Capodanno in Supramonte
This Story is told in Italian only :-(January 2010
Vacanze al sole... di mezzanotte
This Story is told in Italian only :-(July 2009
Capodanno fra Matera e Pollino
This Story is told in Italian only :-(January 2009
Costa Rica Nord, terza parte
This Story is told in Italian only :-(February 2008
Avventura in Costarica
This Story is told in Italian only :-(February 2008
Costa Rica, prima parte
This Story is told in Italian only :-(February 2008
Capodanno fra Umbria e Marche
This Story is told in Italian only :-(January 2008
Colori nella nebbia
This Story is told in Italian only :-(November 2007
This Story is told in Italian only :-(September 2007