Scott's Adventures
Bacu S'Orruargiu e Badde Pentumas
"Cengia" (rock ledge) is the keyword of these two days: from Istrada Longa to the dizzying via-ferrata of Badde Pentumas.September 2017
On top of San Pantaleo Peaks
Last days in Sardinia, we move from limestone to granite... with many crests to climb on top!September 2017
Tavolara Island and Donini Cave
Scott arrives we continue the adventures together. Here it is the Tavolara Island climb up and the Donini Cave.September 2017
Koalini on the Fair Ocean Walk
Back to Australia after 9 years - Part 2 of 2. On the signs you can read: Great Ocean Walk, but we think that "great" is too much :-)March 2012
A sleep-walker on Mount Buggery
Back to Australia after 9 years - Part 1 of 2. I went to Melbourne, but I didn't see it, cause we went immediately for a trekking.March 2012
Kayaking in Vanuatu
Oz-Zorro (Scott) solo kayaking from Nguna to PentecostApril 2006
Vanuatu, Oz-Zorro Australiano, 2004-2005
Volunteering in Vanuatu - Photos from when Oz-Zorro d'Australiano lived in Vanuatu in the South PacificJanuary 2005