A long time ago Matteo and Maurilio became Zorro and Zorro, then they invented and founded the Zorring!
From that moment the Zorring swallowed one by one all their friends: everybody got involved in crazy adventures on mountains, canyons, caves...
Multi-day trekkings was the first activity, then canyoning, then multi-day sea kayaking, then caving… Then mixing altogether!
I've never been looking for adrenaline. My targets have always been enjoying the beauty of the world, exploring mysterious places and living real freedom in a pristine Nature.
...And to achieve this you must be adventurous, off course, as mysterious and pristine places are usually not so easy to reach :-)
I always avoided professional guides: to enjoy freedom you must be free, and you cannot be free if there is someone that takes your responsibility.
Only if you are completely responsible of yourself you can be really free.
Also, without a guide, every new place is a new exploration!
In 2004, with Maurilio, we made a film, Lux Alibi!
It is a fantasy film, like the Lord of the Ring, but nicer ;-)
(here with English subtitles)
After many years of beautiful experiences in Italy and around the world, in 2013 I moved to New Zealand...
When I was a child I really enjoyed all the tales and stories my grandmother used to tell me, there were also songs in her tales, and she used to sing those song to me.
Maybe for this reason, since I grew up, I've always loved to tell stories too.
Well, this photo-blog doesn't sing, but here I tell some of the most beautiful experiences in my life.
Every page is a different story, where every photo and its caption is an episode of the story, if you like, you are welcome to listen :-)
I know, unfortunately most of the stories are in Italian only, but I'm slowly translating some of them...
As I said, I'm now living in New Zealand: contact me if you are getting here around!
How have I made this website?
Well, first of all I'm a great fan of the open-source content management system Drupal. After some years I've learned it quite well... And here there are some video-tutorial of mine that explain how I made the most tricky part of the structure this websites: the storytelling galleries.
Matteo's Adventures
All the nooks and crannies of Zante
Zante is a crazy island full of arches, caves, nooks and crannies... And we explored them all!September 2018
Nel Paradiso del Vallone dell'Inferno
This Story is told in Italian only :-(June 2018
Rigomero con Mauro Intini
This Story is told in Italian only :-(April 2018
Lungo il Cremera, vicino Formello
This Story is told in Italian only :-(April 2018
Ferrata di Val Serra
This Story is told in Italian only :-(April 2018
Fosso della Mola, daje!
This Story is told in Italian only :-(March 2018
Aquaeductus Anienis
This Story is told in Italian only :-(February 2018
Rocca di Cave... Dopo tanto tempo!
This Story is told in Italian only :-(January 2018
La Befana vien Ciaspolando
This Story is told in Italian only :-(January 2018
Tanta acqua, anche sotto terra!
This Story is told in Italian only :-(January 2018
Gallerie Etrusche di Formello
This Story is told in Italian only :-(December 2017
New year's Eve on snowshoe
A great new adventure: New year's Eve on snowshoe :-)December 2017
Forra di San Simeone
This Story is told in Italian only :-(December 2017
La Necropoli preistorica nel Vallone Tempesta a Nemi
This Story is told in Italian only :-(November 2017
Il Santuario segreto di Cerere
This Story is told in Italian only :-(November 2017
Bacu S'Orruargiu e Badde Pentumas
"Cengia" (rock ledge) is the keyword of these two days: from Istrada Longa to the dizzying via-ferrata of Badde Pentumas.September 2017
On top of San Pantaleo Peaks
Last days in Sardinia, we move from limestone to granite... with many crests to climb on top!September 2017
Sardinia: kayak and caves with Rossano
In the north of Sardinia, with Rossano and strong wind!September 2017
Tavolara Island and Donini Cave
Scott arrives we continue the adventures together. Here it is the Tavolara Island climb up and the Donini Cave.September 2017
Buchi, cunicoli e Luigi Plos
This Story is told in Italian only :-(August 2017
Sulle ferrate delle Dolomiti
This Story is told in Italian only :-(August 2017
Grotta dell'Ovito di Pietrasecca
This Story is told in Italian only :-(July 2017
Valnerina: Roccia, Fuoco ed Acqua
This Story is told in Italian only :-(May 2017
Da Petrella a Riancoli
This Story is told in Italian only :-(May 2017