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Silvia_Gufina's Adventures
This Story is told in Italian only :-(
February 2006
This Story is told in Italian only :-(
January 2006
This Story is told in Italian only :-(
December 2005
(English subtitles) Two years of production (from January 2004), 18 locations, more than 40 friends involved in the project. Lux Alibi is a fantasy film shot in the mountains and castles around Rome.
December 2005
This Story is told in Italian only :-(
October 2005
This Story is told in Italian only :-(
July 2005
This time we are in Labro. This little village on the mountains doesn't have any modern building and looks authentic medieval.
November 2004
Finvarra prisoner in the Orsini Castle at Soriano del Cimino
November 2004
We came back to Piediluco (Nefeg's Castle) to shoot some corrections of the scenes filmed last time.
November 2004
The ancient beech forest of Soriano nel Cimino will be the magic forest in Nefeg's Castle.
October 2004
If you need to film a party, the best solution is to arrange a real one! You just need to tell your friend to dress in certain way... :-)
October 2004
Two days at Piediluco Castle, many scenes to film: one of the most intense week-end of Lux Alibi.
October 2004
Norchia is a unique place, where ancient Etruscan built a necropolis sculpting big building in the living rock of the Biedano canyon. This is the place we have chosen for our title-track.
June 2004
A big battle scene! A lot of confusion, a lot of amusement!
June 2004
We are in Corviano, a beautiful and mostly unknown place, Corviano, to film two scenes: the "Oracle" and "Entering the underworld".
June 2004
This day gave much better results than the previous, even if we didn't manage to finish the scene.
May 2004
Have you ever dreamed to have an underworld access on your basement? Well, Alberto has it!
May 2004
The Winter was the time for the first tasks: writing and discussing the script, create costumes.
March 2004
This Story is told in Italian only :-(
February 2004
Foto di/Photos of: Silvia_Gufina