Fototeca dello Zorring

Ultime avventure pubblicate

All our adventures






  • Sardegna in Kayak - 2013, Episode II

    The 2013 kayak trip in Sardina starts where we ended two years ago, in Santa Teresa di Gallura...
    Kayak di più giorni June 2013
  • A Gallery of Nodes with Drupal

    Some video-tutorial (in English) to learn how I've made this photo-gallery using Drupal. A Gallery in which Albums are nodes and photos are nodes too.
    Film - Video June 2013
  • A Mushroom week-end

    (Written by Conillo) Sylvia and Matteo didn't know what to do, so I took them to harvest mushrooms. Unfortunately they are very bad in choosing the right ones.
    Escursione di 1 giorno May 2013
  • 2013-05-11-13-25-03-matteo

    Twin Peaks in New Zealand

    From Flora Car-park to the Ellis Basin hut, then to The Twins, Mount Arthur, Gordon's Pyramid, Salisbury hut... and back
    Trekking di più giorni May 2013
  • 2013-02-18_20-03-26_Matteo

    Bulmer Lake, walking on a petrified glacier

    Franco had just the time to realize he was in New Zealand, then he was walking on this 3 and a half days trekking.
    Trekking di più giorni February 2013
  • 2013-02-05_18-46-24_Matteo

    Mount Owen from different points of view

    Pictures are the same, but the stories are two: it is a matter of different points of views
    Trekking di più giorni February 2013
  • Wellington!!!!!

    After so many adventure in the Wilderness, I spent a few days in the New Zealand capital.
    Viaggio January 2013
  • Rambo eat my shorts!

    Colillo tells of a very, very, but really very, extreme trekking in Nelson Lakes National Park
    Trekking di più giorni January 2013


  • 2012-12-27_14-52-43_Sylwia

    Warrior and Maiden

    Sylvia needed a great warrior to help in her quest in the forest... Actually a great warrior was there!
    Trekking di più giorni December 2012
  • 2012-12-22_18-41-41_Matteo

    Glitch on the ridge

    Sometime on a trekking something unforeseen happens... Sometime it happens before.
    Trekking di più giorni December 2012



Hi, my name is Matteo.
This photo-blog is here to share all the adventures I do with my friends, the Zorri: on mountains, forest and around the world.
The Zorri is just a group of friends, real friends: we are neither a commercial company nor a club (more about us).